<aside> 🔑 Pulled in from this google doc


Nathan - [Matchmaking/Games] little info box for boring details, color for vibe or area of interest, automatically generated mini-game based on interaction of colors (blue - philosophical discussion matches green - playful jokes = the take it to the trippy limit game)

BenG [Matchmaking/Feedback] -Avatar dressing up- so as to make a conversation piece.

After a 5 second silence pop up- ‘Either your connection is down or there is deep thought going on. Awesome!”

Create posters- like twitter feeds and connections to other social media?- also as conversation pieces.

Challenge to pokemon style battle where you can send questions, if you run away instead of answering you get muted for X seconds

Mute and Deafen feature, not for this but a fun idea, maybe also some way to put out a distance restraint so people you dont like need to be far away.

A pop-up notification ‘Marcus is making eye-contact with you.’ Requires the eye contact feature. It could amplify the person you’re ‘looking at’ and soften other audio.

Profile that appears on side when a person is clicked. Include twitter etc. connections, should be limited.

People who speak less get bigger, raising their status, maybe a timer like jitsi on everyone.

Joe: [Pretext/Feedback]

Freyja: [Shape]

Bilal Ghalib- [Matchmaking]

Azlen [Matchmaking]

Alex [Interdependency/Games]

Daniel [Pretext]

Oliver [??]